Papageno argues that as the tree is covered in a vine etc. he has not been disturbed by order for far too long and so he should be dug up. Eventually they agree that the wish-yielding tree will give him some wishes if he in return leaves him in peace. The list of wishes that are possible doesn’t include a Lamborghini or even a Pizza as he is only a small tree. However he says he can transport Papageno back in time to witness the wise discussions he has overheard in his long life as a wish-yielding tree. 

They discuss the difference in these two ideas and find that they are not so great. After all physics, the professor says, recognizes that the observer and the observed are very intimately connected especially when you approach finer and finer distance scales. So the observer at the most basic level of his pure consciousness should be the same as the finest most fundamental level of the observed world– the unified field.  They go through different things and decide that both the concept of pure consciousness (or the unified field), as well as Maharishi’s technology for experiencing it (the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme) have the effect of integrating: integrating all of objective knowledge, all of subjective knowledge, all of objective knowledge with subjective knowledge, all the organising power of knowledge and integrating knowledge with its organising power on the silent ground of pure awareness. This integrating or harmonizing effect of Maharishi’s technology they conclude is the cause of it being so effective in changing the trends of society so that all good comes to everyone and no good comes to no one. 

Papageno sees the teacher visiting his friend the professor
The tree's commentary:

Papageno after hearing this discussion asks the tree how it can possibly be that such a simple thing, done by so few, effects millions of people in society. The tree with the aid of his friend the grapevine, does some research in the world-wide-wood. And as a result they discover that there is a principle that orderly things that are in phase or in harmony with each other, have an effect in proportion to the square of their number while disorderly things don't. So they suggest that as the meditators are all in harmony with each other, then they must be having an effect according to the square of their number. Also after further research by the tree they discover that there are a lot of cases where just one percent of a population of say cells, are able to affect the whole organism. So going by this the tree and vine think it is quite natural that only the square root of one percent of a population doing Maharishi’s technology together change the trends of a society in a positive way.
The Vicious Circle caused by stress and the Virtuous Circle that removes it.

According to the tree’s long experience of the cycles of time just creating a group of meditators to neutralise the stress in society, is always enough to change the vicious circle of mutual destruction into a virtuous circle. He has noted in his long life that stress makes each successive generation worse educated and less capable of acting in accord with Natural Law. But a technology to remove stress changes this vicious circle into a virtuous circle of mutual enrichment where everything rapidly gets better and better. 
This ends this book and leads to the next book in which Papageno has another wish that allows him to see the ancient Greeks who started much of modern science but viewed things more in terms of consciousness. 

Note: All the book illustrations are in full colour. Those shown here are in black and white for copy right reasons and do not reflect how the originals are reproduced.

See BOOK 2: A Whirlpool of Rik and Ancient Greeks 

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